Reading feather files in Power BI
Now that we know how to set up our local virtual environment and install the required packages, we can start reading the feather file in Power BI. First act...
The old blog was hosted on a shared server by a third party vendor and made use of dasBlog. That ran on ASP.NET 2.0 since 2006 but was phased out last year. Since this year I moved over my DNS settings to make use Github pages.
To make my life easier to generate new posts (I don’t run a local setup of Jekyll) I created a small snippet in Python that I can make use of to create a new post with some front matter. The script goes like:
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
def format_tags(tags):
a = ''
for s in tags.split():
a += f'"{s.replace("_", " ")}",'
return a[:-1]
def format_filename(date, title):
return f'{date}-{title.replace(" ", "-").lower()}.markdown'
def write_frontmatter(args, current_time):
f = open(f"./_posts/{format_filename(, args.title)}", "w")
f.write("layout: post\n")
f.write(f"title: {args.title}\n")
f.write(f"date: {} {current_time} +0200\n")
f.write("comments: true\n")
f.write("published: true\n")
f.write("categories: [\"post\"]\n")
f.write(f"tags: [{format_tags(args.tags)}]\n")
f.write(f"author: {}\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create a new post')
parser.add_argument("date", type=str, help="Provide a date in format yyyy-mm-dd")
parser.add_argument("title", type=str, help="Provide a title")
parser.add_argument("tags", type=str, help="Provide a comma separated list of tags")
parser.add_argument("--author", type=str, help="Provide a name for the author of the post", default="Kris van der Mast")
args = parser.parse_args()
now =
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
write_frontmatter(args, current_time)
If you want to run it yourself simply create a new Python file, I chose
, and copy paste the above code into it. Then run it with the command (for example):
python .\ 2022-03-08 “Python script to generate a new Jekyll post with front matter” “jekyll python front_matter”
To get help you can write:
python .\ -h
Which will give the following output:
usage: [-h] [--author AUTHOR] date title tags
Create a new post
positional arguments:
date Provide a date in format yyyy-mm-dd
title Provide a title
tags Provide a comma separated list of tags
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--author AUTHOR Provide a name for the author of the post
I used the script to generate this post and running it with the following command:
python .\ 2022-03-08 “Python script to generate a new Jekyll post with front matter” “jekyll python front_matter”
generated a file under the _posts folder with name 2022-03-08-python-script-to-generate-a-new-jekyll-post-with-front-matter.markdown
with front matter:
layout: post
title: Python script to generate a new Jekyll post with front matter
date: 2022-03-08 15:51:15 +0200
comments: true
published: true
categories: ["post"]
tags: ["jekyll","python","front matter"]
author: Kris van der Mast
If you want to reuse this Python script by all means do so. I placed it under the root of my Github pages repo to keep it close to my site’s source code. I’ll make a separate repo in the coming days for these kinds of scripts.
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